Job Opportunity: Senior Web Developer

Update 2016-12-09: we’re still hiring for this position.
We are happy to announce that we’re hiring to grow our Paris-based technical team and further pursue the Software Heritage mission. In particular, we are now looking for a senior web developer to lead the design and implementation of the web-based user interface to the Software Heritage Archive.
Detailed job description and application instructions follows, and are also available from our new jobs page. Inquiries are welcome at
(Picture: The Librarian, Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Public Domain.)
Paris-based Full-time Senior Web Developer
Software Heritage is an ambitious nonprofit project that aims at collecting, organizing, preserving for the very long term, and sharing all publicly available software in source code form, together with the corresponding complete development history (e.g., from a Version Control System) where available. The Software Heritage archive already contains about 3 billion unique source code files and 650 million commits, retrieved from more than 25 million software projects.
Job description
As part of our software sharing mission we are building a web front-end and a web API that will allow to browse, search, and retrieve software available from the Software Heritage archive. We are looking for someone to lead this development effort, integrating it with the ongoing back-end development to expand the Software Heritage archive.
As lead web developer you’ll primarily work with:
- Python 3
- HTML / CSS / JavaScript
- Flask
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- PostgreSQL
A successful candidate will have strong web-development skills, a working knowledge of human-computer interaction design, as well as a solid track record of participation in existing FOSS projects and communities.
All the code will be developed openly and released under a FOSS license, usually copyleft (GPL3 or AGPL3).
Workplace and salary
The job must be worked on-site at Inria’s Paris headquarters.
The salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Application instruction
See details on the Inria page describing this job offer.