Software Heritage gets a Newsletter

Source code is special: it’s executable knowledge that is meant to be human readable, by design. It’s an all time new in human history, and it deserves to become a first class citizen: as part of cultural heritage, as a pillar of Open Science in the scholarly world, as a key asset for industry and all of society.
Back in 2015, we recognized the need for a universal archive to collect, preserve and share the precious technical, scientific and organizational knowledge embedded in software source code, and we found at Inria the key support needed to starting building the Software Heritage Archive.
Five years later, we have archived over 120 million projects, and over 8 billion unique source code files, we have assembled a dedicated team, brought together a broad panel of sponsors and supporters, opened the doors to individual donations and contributions, and we have established a strong collaboration with UNESCO, that highlights the universality of our mission.
Staying up to date on the progress of our long term mission
Today, we are delighted to introduce the Software Heritage Newsletter, designed to keep you regularly up to date with the progress of the long term universal mission that Software Heritage has undertaken, and to bring you up to speed with the actionable results and services offered by the Software Heritage Archive.
While the regular newsletter will mostly focus on the news, this first edition also features a brief recap of our mission statement, and a selection of important milestones since Software Heritage was launched.
Thanks for your interest in our long term mission, enjoy our first newsletter and subscribe to stay up to date on what’s news at Software Heritage!