Meet the second Software Heritage ambassador

Last month, we launched the ambassadors’ program with our first ambassador, Pierre Poulain. Today we are delighted to introduce Bruno Khélifi, the second Software Heritage ambassador in academia.
Bruno is a physicist working at APC in the experimental area of very-high-energy gamma-ray astrophysics, as a member of the H.E.S.S. and CTA collaborations. With the CTA observatory, his software activities are oriented towards open-source development of packages in the Python ecosystem (e.g. the library Gammapy that analyses and models gamma-ray data) and open-data releases.
We are thrilled to welcome Bruno in our community. You can find more about him, including contact information, at and you can already contact him if you want to know more about our mission and how to use Software Heritage to save your code/software in academia.
The ambassadors program is a great opportunity to learn more about the Software Heritage’s mission of source code preservation and share this knowledge. We are looking for enthusiastic organizations and individuals to volunteer as ambassadors to help grow the Software Heritage community.
If you too want to become an ambassador, please tell us a bit about yourself and your interest in the mission of Software Heritage.