Introducing our 16th and 17th ambassadors, Cécile and Océane

We are delighted to introduce our 16th and 17th ambassadors, Cécile Arènes and Océane Valencia from the Sorbonne University library.
Cécile is a data librarian and Océane is an archivist and the head of the archives and records department. Sorbonne University is strongly committed to open science and the library has an Open Access Department and a Research Data and Digital Humanities Mission. The library organizes training sessions each year about open access, open data and digital humanities. It is now also organizing training about software as first-class research output and the necessity to preserve it alongside publications and data.
Sorbonne University is also a Software Heritage’s gold sponsor.
If you want to contact them or to learn more about our mission, they will be happy to answer you back: cecile.arenes at / oceane.valencia at
And do not forget! We are looking for enthusiastic organizations and individuals to volunteer as ambassadors to help grow the Software Heritage community. If you too want to become an ambassador, please tell us a bit about yourself and your interest in the mission of Software Heritage.