The 2022 Technical Roadmap is out!

Last year we introduced for the first time a public technical roadmap for our developments at Software Heritage, that provided a view of the many tasks needed to build such a complex infrastructure.
We have successfully achieved most of the key tasks from the 2021 roadmap (e.g., improved save code now, improved download efficiency, deployed new archive counters, added a per-user view of deposited software, automated check of code documentation), and initiated many others (e.g., mirrors and copies, searchable metadata, improved deposit, scale-out object storage).
Today, we are delighted to announce our 2022 Technical Roadmap, which was created taking into account the Software Heritage community input from the November 30th sponsor meeting. It is based on 6 key areas: collect, preserve, share, documentation, technical debt, tooling, and infrastructure. This roadmap ensures the continuity of the remaining 2021 items and adds new goals to expand and improve the archive. For more accurate project management and planning, we are now introducing priorities and key performance indicators, associated with roadmap items.
The Software Heritage archive is growing steadily and everyone can contribute to this mission: explore the sponsor and the mirror programs, save endangered repositories, collect and curate landmark legacy code, consider joining the ambassador program and help spread the word!