What you wanted to know about Software Heritage, and never dared to ask

You have a question about Software Heritage, and look for an answer? We are delighted to announce that starting from today you can refer to a new, rich and evolving FAQ page.
In 2021, we gathered 19 ambassadors who helped identify the most recurring questions in their community regarding software source code archival, and this resulted in a very rich and detailed collaborative document. With the team, we curated the questions, collected answers and structured all this into a coherent document.
In 2021 we organized three mini-sprints that were dedicated to the Software Heritage documentation and helped us create different pages to help people when visiting, using or contributing to the Software Heritage project.
As a result, now you have access to a broad panel of resources about Software Heritage, that complement the FAQ page:
- The features page describes the main Software Heritage features
- The events page where you can find the main events, and in particular the 5th-anniversary celebration
- The guided tour, in the web app, makes it easy to discover the functionalities you have available in the archive (click on help in the right side menu)
- The mirror page and the mirror technical documentation sheds light on the mirror program
- The system administrators’ documentation gives you insights into the infrastructure behind this all
You too can get involved and help in this documentation effort: there is a tutorial that explains how to contribute to the documentation and one of the projects in the outreachy program is “Extend the developer and user documentation of Software Heritage”.