Announcing SWHAP Days in October for Landmark Legacy Software Preservation

Software Heritage is an ambitious nonprofit, entirely Free/Open-Source Software (FOSS) initiative that aims at collecting, organizing, preserving for the very long term, and sharing all publicly available software in source code form, together with the corresponding complete development history where available.
We are very excited to announce the launch of SWHAP Days, a two-day workshop to reflect on the current state and the future of software preservation, exploring challenges and opportunities related to the collection, archival and display of our landmark legacy software.
Organized with the support of Unesco, Inria and Lip6, this workshop will also be the chance to learn more about the Software Heritage Acquisition Process (SWHAP) and the Software Stories presentation platform, developed with support from Unesco in collaboration with the University of Pisa and the team.
SWHAP Days will take place in Paris and online on the 19th and 20th of October 2022.
Take a look at the programme and subscribe to attend the SWHAP Days event!
It is free and open to the public!