On the Road(map) for 2023!

We are proud to announce that the Software Heritage technical Roadmap for 2023 is out!
View roadmap 2023 in SWH documentation
2022 Roadmap review
The year 2022 has been mostly dedicated to expand the archive and move towards major infrastructure evolutions, including the following achievements:
- Support of new forges and package managers with new listers and loaders
- Important performance improvements on the git loader
- Deployment in progress for Cassandra storage
- Hardware setup and prerequisites validation for Ceph-based object Storage at CEA
- Introduction of elastic deployment features for better flexibility and scalability
- New archival features such as Add forge now, browser extensions and forges webhooks
- Migration from Phabricator to GitLab
2023 Roadmap summary
The main objective of 2023 is to accompany and anticipate the growth of Software Heritage, in terms of archive volume but also in terms of notoriety and intensity of usage by a growing number of users from various environments (research, culture, public administration, industry).
Therefore, this year we will mostly focus on the following goals:
- Complete infrastructure upgrades and migration tasks
- Keep improving the platform’s scalability and robustness
- Setup automation of existing processes (datasets generation, takedown notices)
- Deploy highly expected new features (GraphQL API, SWH Scanner)
- Keep moving towards comprehensive metadata exploitation facilities
- Collaboration with partner projects (SWH mirrors, Software Stories hosting)
2023 Roadmap management evolutions
Along with the migration to GitLab, we have revamped the organization of the tasks and decided to use the Milestones feature of GitLab to handle the roadmap items. So the roadmap items can be consulted directly in our GitLab forge, for easier access to the related issues.