Research Software workshop at RDA P20: we will be there, are you?

We are pleased to share that a research software workshop will be held as part of the RDA P20 plenary in Gothenburg and online, on Friday, March 24th. The workshop is organized by partners from the two European projects FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4OSC; Software Heritage is a partner in the projects to increase recognition of research software and improve software infrastructures in the scholarly ecosystem. It will be open to researchers, practitioners, and anyone interested in the field of research software.
To register, please visit the FAIR-IMPACT page, where you will also find the full programme.
The main focus of this workshop will be to review the current landscape of guidelines and metrics for research software. We will collect existing guidelines and identify any gaps with the recommendations outlined in the Scholarly infrastructures for research software: report from the EOSC Executive Board Working Group (WG) Architecture Task Force. Additionally, we will be focusing on the CodeMeta initiative vocabulary and its crosswalk table, which aims to improve the interoperability of research software by providing a standard vocabulary for describing software metadata.
Another important topic that will be discussed during the workshop is curation mechanisms for research software. We will be discussing ways to improve the quality of metadata associated with research software and methods for ensuring that this metadata is properly maintained over time.
We encourage everyone interested in research software to attend this workshop and contribute to the ongoing efforts to improve the discoverability and reusability of research software.
We look forward to seeing you there!