Meet our fourth ambassador in 2023, Maxence Azzouz-Thuderoz

We are delighted to welcome our fourth ambassador this year: Maxence Azzouz-Thuderoz!
Maxence Azzouz-Thuderoz is a data scientist specialising in AI and natural language processing. He joined FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute to develop core components of the European Open Science Cloud, after many years as a natural language processing engineer in the industry. Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure is one of the large infrastructure institutions in Germany.
Maxence discovered Software Heritage in the context of the FAIRCORE4EOSC project, a European project of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) program to build the next FAIR components services of the EOSC. His main research interests cover natural language processing, open science for mathematical software, and recent development in artificial neural networks. Software citations lie at the heart of his work, and he is passionate about promoting their use in research. Maxence firmly believes that archiving software is not only important for historical preservation but also for facilitating the future development of better open-source solutions. He sees software source code as written knowledge and precious cultural heritage, much like books. For this reason, he is passionate about advocating for the value of software preservation.
If you want to contact Maxence to learn more about our mission, he will be happy to answer you back: maxence dot azzouz-thuderoz at fiz-karlsruhe dot de
And do not forget! We are looking for enthusiastic organizations and individuals to volunteer as ambassadors to help grow the Software Heritage community. If you too want to become an ambassador, please tell us a bit about yourself and your interest in the mission of Software Heritage.