
December 20, 2023


The FAIRCORE4EOSC project focuses on the development and realisation of core components for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), launched in June 2022. Software Heritage is leading a full work package, named Services and tools to archive, reference, describe and cite research software, following the recommendations and plan defined by the SIRS report. It will develop Research Software APIs and Connectors to ensure the long-term preservation in the Software Heritage archive of research software in different disciplines, establish a mirror of the Software Heritage universal source code archive for the EOSC, and ensure regular archival in Software Heritage of core EOSC code hosting platforms. It will also design curation mechanisms to support quality metadata, in particular for citations, and contribute to standardisation for software metadata and identifiers.

To achieve these objectives we are collaborating with a panel of partners including, CERN (InvenioRDM, Zenodo), LZI (Dagstuhl), FIZ (swMath), GRNET, OpenAire, KNAW-DANS (DataVerse), IES-Inria (episcience), GWDG and DataCite.


December 20, 2023