Software Heritage symposium and summit

The long term mission of Software Heritage is to collect, preserve, and share all publicly available software in source code form, serving a variety of needs ranging from cultural heritage to industry and research.
On November 2021 we celebrated 5 years since the public unveiling in June 2016 and renewed the agreement with UNESCO. At the end of 2022 the Software Heritage archive has crossed the 200 million software origin bar and this year, in 2023, we are gathering again to take stock of the archive’s achievements and status and to highlight its mission’s relevance in today’s dynamic digital innovation landscape.
The Software Heritage symposium and summit will take place on Tuesday, February 7th, at Unesco’s headquarters.
The morning plenary meeting is open to the public and will be broadcast live. Registration is free, but mandatory, please subscribe to get the online link (it will be sent closer to the event).
A limited number of seats may be available onsite. If you would like to participate onsite at the UNESCO headquarters, we invite you to check the «request onsite participation» checkbox in the form, and we will inform you before the event if we can accommodate your request.
If you want to know more about what we have done until today, we invite you to watch the first 5 years of Software Heritage in 5 minutes video!
Stay up to date on the progress of our long-term mission by subscribing to our newsletter, and following @SWHeritage on Twitter and LinkedIn if not done yet!
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, February 7th!