

CAST Software

Together with Software Heritage, we are creating the most comprehensive and automated solution for managing third-party license and security risk across the global software supply chain. The resulting Software Intelligence…

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FAIR-IMPACT European project, launched in June 2022, has the role to support and disseminate FAIR-enabling practices, tools and services across scientific communities at a European, national and international level. In…

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The FAIRCORE4EOSC project focuses on the development and realisation of core components for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), launched in June 2022. Software Heritage is leading a full work…

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The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) board has selected Software Heritage for its 5th pledging round, in November 2023, recognizing Software Heritage as a crucial open science…

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The SoFAIR project, derived from Making Software FAIR, is dedicated to addressing a critical issue in research by interconnecting publications with the software they use, develop or share, improving the…

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The SWHSec project is part of a National Research and Innovation Program funded by the National Cybersecurity Strategy at Campus Cyber. It brings together eight research teams specialized in security,…

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Hall of fame


We are excited to have SoftwareHeritage as one of the pilot initiatives aimed at bringing valuable tools and services  to European researchers. Referencing and preserving massive collections of software source…

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To collect, preserve, and share all software that is publicly available in source code form is a tremendous task and a tremendously important one. VMware believes that open source software…

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Software preservation is a serious problem, which deserves to be addressed with high priority. Losing source code would mean losing our know-how, experiences, competencies. This would not be acceptable for…

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FAIRsFAIR is a European project to foster FAIR Data Practices in Europe, which aims to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles throughout the research data…

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Qwant est fier d’être partenaire du projet Software Heritage qui représente une chance formidable de préserver et de promouvoir ce bien commun qu’est le logiciel libre. Les logiciels que l’humanité…

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