David Douard
David Douard
Dev Team Manager
About Me
David Douard obtained his Ph.D. from the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6, and has an engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg (now Télécom Physique Strasbourg). He has been working for 2 years for the Osiris R&D team at EDF, then for 12 years as a developer, sysadmin, and manager at Logilab. Now, David is very honored and proud to have joined the Software Heritage team as a core developer.

FOSS user and developer, mainly using the Python programming language for a very long time (he started with Python 1.5.2!), he has contributed to several small projects as well as big one like CubicWeb. In his spare time, he likes to hack and repair things, especially electronic test equipment as well as metal working and old conventional machine tools.