
Marla da Silva

Meet our 10th ambassador in 2023, Wendy Hagenmaier

We are delighted to introduce our 10th ambassador in 2023, Wendy Hagenmaier! Wendy Hagenmaier is the Software Preservation Program Manager at Yale University Library, where she leads the Emulation-as-a-Service Infrastructure…

diciembre 28, 2023

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Hugging Face

Los Datos son el motor del aprendizaje automático moderno y la base de todo gran modelo de lenguaje. El archivo Software Heritage nos permite recopilar grandes cantidades de código para…

diciembre 4, 2023

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Hugging Face

Data is the powerhouse of modern machine learning and the foundation of every large language model. The Software Heritage archive allows us to collect vast amounts of code to train…

diciembre 4, 2023

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