Introducing Jaime Arias, our 13th ambassador
We are delighted to introduce our 13th ambassador, Jaime Arias, CNRS research engineer working at the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris Nord (LIPN). Jaime is an advocate of replicable research and…
We are delighted to introduce our 13th ambassador, Jaime Arias, CNRS research engineer working at the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris Nord (LIPN). Jaime is an advocate of replicable research and…
Un référentiel logiciel pérenne et stable comme Software Heritage nous intéresse directement, car nos clients de l’aérospatiale et de la défense sont souvent responsables de projets s’étalant sur plusieurs décennies….
We are delighted to introduce our 12th ambassador, Maria Chiara Prodi. Maria Chiara is the artistic coordinator and deputy director of the production at the Opéra Comique, in Paris. She…
Our archive keeps growing, as well as our team! We are now hiring a Software Engineering Manager to help Software Heritage keep growing and help our development team achieve challenging technical goals….
Our community keeps growing and we are delighted to introduce our 11th ambassador, Alexis Lebis, lecturer in artificial intelligence at the Center for Digital Systems (CERI SN) of Institut Mines…
SourceForge was one of the first public forges to offer software developers a centralized online location to control and manage open source software projects. We are delighted to announce that…
Today, we are delighted to introduce two ambassadors, Bostjan Spetic and Borut Kumperscak. Bostjan is a curator and Borut a technology specialist at Slovenian computer museum, where they increasingly house…
We are delighted to introduce our 8th ambassador, Neal Fultz, principal data scientist of njnm consulting, a staff statistician for the UCLA Social Sciences division. He has authored a number…
As announced here before, we received a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to support contributions from experts that want to help increase the coverage of the Software Heritage archive. After a first subgrant awarded…
We are delighted to introduce our 7th ambassador, Anna-Lena Lamprecht, an assistant Professor of Software Technology at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences, at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. …