
Roberto Di Cosmo

Jason Scott

Jason Scott portrait

Software has become the new architecture that our world is built on, and source code its blueprints. Without this vital component of history, we suffer a range of loss: of…

July 18, 2016

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Our first press release

Journalists from major press outlets and medias gathered this morning at Inria’s offices in Paris to attend the public announcement of the Software Heritage project, which we have just unveiled. We are thrilled…

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Microsoft has been involved in open source initiatives by enabling, integrating, releasing and contributing to many open source projects and communities for well over a decade. We applaud the Software…

June 29, 2016

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Software Sustainability is one of the core elements to accelerate discovery. Reproducibility of scientific results, but also re-usability and findability of software are core principles in science DANS seeks to…

June 27, 2016

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Societé Informatique de France

Software is now at the heart of all human activity: our lives, our businesses, our culture depend on it. Software source code is a precious heritage that must be preserved…

June 25, 2016

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The Document Foundation

Software is deeply entrenched in our life, and is the tool we use to create, access and share our culture. Software has become a fundamental component of society, and must…

June 16, 2016

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Software Freedom Law Center

Software Freedom Law Center

Software Heritage is the Alexandrian Library of humankind’s most important current technical expression: software. This project will allow us to do science about software in new and revolutionary ways. The…

June 13, 2016

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Bell Labs, Nokia

Nokia Bell Labs

Software is redefining the whole information and communication infrastructure, and embodies a growing amount of scientific and technical knowledge that is essential for the very existence of our modern societies. It is…

June 1, 2016

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