

Un certain nombre d’organisations internationales, d’individus et de sociétés de renommée mondiale ont manifesté leur soutien à notre mission de préservation des logiciels.

ACM SigSoft

The Association of Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (ACM SIGSOFT) is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the art, sc…
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Un référentiel logiciel pérenne et stable comme Software Heritage nous intéresse directement, car nos clients de l’aérospatiale et de la défense sont souvent responsables de projets s&rsqu…
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Software has become the essential core of modern technology. Critical software lies at the heart of the power, transportation, and telecommunication networks that must stay in operation for decades. O…
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Pythagoras prohibited his disciples to divulge his theories : mathematics was born in secrecy. However, the philosophers of the « Greek miracle » considered that ideas, the universal ones, belonged …
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Bell Labs, Nokia

Software is redefining the whole information and communication infrastructure, and embodies a growing amount of scientific and technical knowledge that is essential for the very existence of our mod…
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CAST Software

CAST is strongly committed to helping any software organization willing to leverage open source artifacts. We are proud to support Software Heritage’s noble mission and to collaborate on creatin…
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Les logiciels sont au cœur de l’engagement du CEA dans le transfert des connaissances de la recherche vers l’industrie. Avec la Software Heritage Foundation, nous soutenons la préservation et le…
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Le soutien du CNRS à Software Heritage, archive universelle, ouverte et pérenne du logiciel, s’inscrit naturellement dans notre démarche volontariste en faveur de la science ouverte, cette révol…
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Computer History Museum

Software source code is a form of literature, written by humans to be read by humans as well as machines. It gives us a view into the mind of the designer, and studying code can teach us both histor…
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Creative Commons

The commons is made up of many parts, and many movements, with free and open software being an essential element. Archiving and open repositories are vital to a thriving and growing commons, as we n…
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CRKN consortium

CRKN consortium includes: Memorial University of Newfoundland,  Université de Montréal,  University of Toronto,  York University,  University of Saskatchewan,  University of New Brunswick,  We…
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Software preservation is a serious problem, which deserves to be addressed with high priority. Losing source code would mean losing our know-how, experiences, competencies. This would not be acceptabl…
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Software Sustainability is one of the core elements to accelerate discovery. Reproducibility of scientific results, but also re-usability and findability of software are core principles in science DAN…
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Direction générale de l’armement

« La Direction générale de l’armement soutient l’initiative Software Heritage qui, à travers la sauvegarde de notre patrimoine numérique commun, permet de construire le futur de nos systèmes…
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DISI, Università di Bologna

« Software is at the basis of most modern science. The reproducibility of scientific results and the whole concept of scientific research is deeply linked with the preservation and the study of soft…
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Eclipse Foundation

Software is the fabric which binds our personal, social, industrial, and digital lives. It is an important part of our cultural heritage, as well as a significant portion of the intellectual efforts …
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Faithful to its mission of public service, ENEA is proud to establish in its Bologna Center the first italian mirror of Software Heritage, contributing to preserve humankind’s source code, and a…
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Engineering Group

The challenge for an Information Technology industry lies in the preparation of excellence. To achieve this you need to master technologies, be free and make decisions quickly. Software availability i…
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Software is the infrastructure that supports the world in which we live, from the cars we drive to the homes we live in and the way we communicate and conduct business. Inherent in this global, massiv…
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Free Software Foundation

The freedom—and the ability—to build on the work of others is core to free software. Also central is the ability to be nimble and future-proof, to not be hostage to the whims of specific owners or…
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Free Software Foundation Europe

Software is the most important cultural technique of today’s society; it frames what we can and what we cannot do. Software shapes our communication and culture, our economy, education and res…
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From its inception, GANDI has supported open-source projects, including notably VLC, Ubuntu, Gnome, and CaliOpen. GANDI’s primary focus is providing new, high-performance solutions for its cus…
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Gérard Berry

Software is of paramount importance for all our society: our lives, our industry and our well-being have come to literally depend on it. Collecting, preserving and making available all the software i…
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Software encodes human knowledge in a machine-readable form and plays a critical role in many industries and sectors but its preservation is often overlooked. I’m excited to see what the Softwar…
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Les logiciels encodent les connaissances humaines dans un format lisible par une machine et jouent un rôle critique dans de nombreux secteurs et industries mais on omet souvent d’assurer leur prés…
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GitLab applauds the Software Heritage project for keeping open source software available for future generations. We believe everyone should contribute to preserve the software commons and a coordina…
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Les logiciels libres et open source ont toujours été un élément essentiel de Google, car nous utilisons et contribuons à des milliers de projets. Ils encouragent le développement de nouvelles te…
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Gouvernement Français (DINUM)

Les données ouvertes sont le carburant et les logiciels sont le moteur de la transformation numérique qui entraîne le changement dans tous les aspects des sociétés modernes. En collectant, ainsi …
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Huawei’s vision is to build a better connected world. Through open partnerships and customer-centric innovation, Huawei produces world-leading networking and IT products, cloud services, software,…
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Huawei travaille avec les communautés open source depuis des décennies et contribue activement à des projets allant du noyeau Linux, au cloud computing et au machine learning. Huawei continuera à …
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Hugging Face

Data is the powerhouse of modern machine learning and the foundation of every large language model. The Software Heritage archive allows us to collect vast amounts of code to train state-of-the-art la…
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Hugging Face

Les données sont le moteur de l’apprentissage automatique moderne et le fondement de chaque grand modèle de langage. Software Heritage nous permet de collecter de grandes quantités de code po…
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Hugging Face

Le partenariat avec Software Heritage a été une grande aventure pour BigCode et Hugging Face. L’accent mis par la fondation sur la préservation, la reproductibilité, la disponibilité et la …
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IEEE Software

I read with great interest the proposal to create a public archive of software artifacts and associated metadata as a way to grow a universal body of scientific and technical knowledge. As Editor-in-…
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The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is a global non-profit, non-political federation of societies of ICT professionals that aims to achieve the worldwide professional and so…
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The National Institute of Industrial Property of Chile-INAPI enthusiastically supports the Software Heritage project, because in the digital age and the knowledge society, the caretaking of freely ac…
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Informatics Europe

With this letter we would like to express Informatics Europe’s support to the “Software Heritage” project. Informatics Europe fully support the projects’ mission of collecting, organising, pre…
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Le logiciel est désormais au cœur de la plupart des activités humaines: de la santé au divertissement, de l’aéronautique à l’agriculture … Il est donc légitime qu’Inria …
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Open Source is the foundation of all modern sophisticated software development. It powers everything from the smallest embedded devices to critical national infrastructure. The Software Heritage proje…
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Intel a été à l’avant-garde du développement de l’open source pendant près de vingt ans et elle contribue aujourd’hui grandement au noyau Linux, ainsi qu’à une douzaine d…
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Jason Scott

Software has become the new architecture that our world is built on, and source code its blueprints. Without this vital component of history, we suffer a range of loss: of culture, of understanding, a…
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Jean-François Abramatic

Software is the key to universal access to our web of information. Software has become an essential component of our daily lives. Software must be collected, organized, preserved and shared. We need t…
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Le Plan national pour la science ouverte, lancé le 4 juillet 2018 par la ministre de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation, a décidé d’un soutien à Software Heritage,…
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Microsoft has been involved in open source initiatives by enabling, integrating, releasing and contributing to many open source projects and communities for well over a decade. We applaud the Software…
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NLnet Foundation

Software Heritage has set itself the important task of curating software for the long run at a global scale, and to safeguard the long term availability of these bits carefully crafted for all inten…
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Nokia Bell Labs

Les logiciels redéfinissent entièrement l’infrastructure de l’information et de la communication et représentent une quantité croissante de connaissances techniques et scientifiques qui sont e…
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Open Invention Network

The creation of a uniform database of open source code is a critical first step in being able to understand the scope and breadth of open source innovation. As the largest patent non-aggression commun…
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Open Invention Network

Le logiciel libre a été l’un des moteurs de l’innovation de ce siècle. Software Heritage est une organisation importante pour les logiciels, ayant déjà archivé plus de 6 milliards de…
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Open Source Initiative

The fundamental advantage of open source software is the freedom to use, modify, and redistribute existing work, accelerating innovation into the future. The Open Source Initiative is pleased to suppo…
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Open source is making the way we develop, share and maintain software and even do business with it more open, transparent, fair and efficient for the benefit  of all. While software is revolutionizin…
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